May 17th, 2018 An African-American man sits on the stage, with braided hair wearing oversized shades indoors, holding a phone to his face and singing a song. In a beautiful voice, he…
Category: General
Ready to lose your job?
(April 26, 2018) You are about to lose your job. No matter what you do, no matter which industry you work in or the position you hold, it is highly likely to…
The South Asian identity crisis
(April 12, 2018) Last November, Britain’s pro-Brexit Secretary of State for International Development Priti Patel was forced to resign after being accused of violating the ministerial code of conduct. As far as…
Changing the algorithm of democracy
(April 05, 2018) Is democracy around the world perishing before our eyes? Is it the point where the narrator’s voice in dulcet tones marks the end of freedom as a reality? Is…
Brexit: Not Over Till It Is Over
(First published on Mar 13, 2020) On January 31, at 11 PM GMT Great Britain formally said goodbye to the European Union (EU). This brought an end to a forty-seven years’ long…
Preparing for a Changing New World
(First published on Nov 14, 2018) Change in the world known to us is accelerating at a breakneck speed. If you are a fan of science fiction and informed enough about the…
India – Desperate to be Great
(First published on June 1, 2016) People like Ajit Doval do not even hesitate to publicly admit they plan to interfere in the internal matters of their neighbours and have no qualms…
Beyond Globalization: A Survival Guide
(The piece was originally published on October 1, 2018) Saint Louis (Missouri) and Atlantic City (New Jersey) both bear testimony to the far reaching and often debilitating consequences. St. Louis, the Midwestern…
Understanding the Syrian Crisis
(Note: This piece first appeared on May 1, 2017) Five years old Omran Daqneesh sits clueless in an ambulance. He has just been pulled out of rubble along with his family. Omran…
Perils of misreading Bihar verdict
(This piece originally appeared on November 16, 2015) An election was won and lost in the Indian state of Bihar. Contrary to Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) President Amit Shah’s claims no crackers went…
The farce called ‘clash of civilizations’
(Note: This piece first appeared on April 07, 2015. Since then a lot has changed. But the core argument remains unchanged. So it is being reproduced here for your perusal.) The pictures…